Read our Impact Report for FY 2019/20

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Our Impact Report for 2019/20 is finally here .

This issue, our third so far, looks at our ups and downs and gathers Sample’s milestones during the last financial year. It’s easy to get lost in the little daily jobs, so this meditation lets us reflect on our actions, celebrate our achievements and set the direction moving forward.

But more so, this reporting exercise is all about responsibility and accountability towards all of YOU who drink and work with our coffee.

As Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO of Chobani says, “The new way of business―it’s the consumer we report to, not to the corporate boards. That’s the reason the business exists. It’s you.” And your dollar is your everyday ballot in this crazy world.

Big thanks to our main coffee importers Condesa Co.Lab, Caravela Coffee, Cafe Imports and Melbourne Coffee Merchants for sharing all their transparency data and knowledge, and to Angus Taylor for the edits and the extra pair of eyes. Finally, cheers to everyone who is part of our journey: staff, partners, suppliers and customers.

If you care about more than the taste of your coffee, please read and explore. And please don’t be shy to ask us more questions. You’ve got the power.

Bring on 2021.

From little things…


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