Read our Annual Report 21/22

Stoked to (finally) share our latest Annual Report for 2021/22!

This is the 5th report we’ve ever published, and they’re a sort of zine where we gather milestones, metrics and reflections about our coffee and business during the previous financial year. Far from a typical corporate document, we’ve tried to keep it simple and engaging, so anyone—coffee geek or not—can learn about what goes behind a cup of Sample Coffee.

You’ll find nerdy insights about our green coffee purchases, spotlights on two of our importing partners, a summary of key events and community actions, and some thoughts on business and the future. It may not be perfect, but definitely genuine and informative.

All so you can learn more about the value of our coffee beyond its taste notes.

Thanks to last year’s main importers Caravela, Condesa, Cafe Imports and Melbourne Coffee Merchants for their transparency and support; to Rowan and Suz for the extra pair of eyes; and to all the businesses that inspire us with their coffee and transparency practices!

If you’re a committed Sample drinker, a coffee/design geek or just a curious mind, please dive in and share any thoughts or ideas you have—you know our ears/mailboxes are always open.

Cheers to an awesome year. 🙏

From little things…


All journal entries