Colombia Los Tres Mosqueteros Pink Bourbon
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Flavours of florals, lemon, orange blossom
Body Acidity
Washed Pink Bourbon
Roasted omni for filter and espresso
Colombia Los Tres Mosqueteros Pink Bourbon onlineThe region where coffee was first introduced to Colombia and where the FNC originated. It has the largest growing area by hectare of all Colombian growing regions
Altitude: 1300–2200 m above sea level
Harvest: September–December (main) and April–May (fly)
Varietals: Typica, Castillo, Caturra
The region boasts ideal coffee growing conditions, made possible by the central and western mountain ranges (cordilleras) that cross the department. Like many areas of Colombia, the true potential of Antioquia took time to be fully realised. For a long time the region was marred by unrest and violence, hindering access to coffee farmers. With recent efforts to change the image and focus of the region and its capital, Medellín, Antioquia is now starting to realise the potential it possesses.
Sold out
Flavours of florals, lemon, orange blossom
Body Acidity
Washed Pink Bourbon
Roasted omni for filter and espresso
Colombia Los Tres Mosqueteros Pink Bourbon onlineSold out
Flavours of silky, cola, blood orange
Body Acidity
Washed Chiroso
Roasted omni for filter and espresso
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Washed Gesha, Chiroso, Pink bourbon
Roasted omni for filter and espresso
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Flavours of lemon curd, earl grey, floral
Body Acidity
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Roasted omni for filter and espresso
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