El Salvador


We find flavours of low acidity, apple and raspberry juice

Body     Acidity

With this delivery we’ve got two firsts for Brew Crew: the first Pacamara varietal; and the first honey process.

Let’s dive into the first part: Pacarama is a hybrid varietal created by the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research, with work starting back in 1958.

Researchers wanted to take the higher productivity, adaptability to local conditions, ability to resist wind, sunlight and droughts of the Pacas varietal with the vitality, lushness and bigger bean size of the Red Maragogipe, as well as its better cup quality. This results in a very uniquely flavoured coffee.

This is also a honey process coffee, which means the beans are processed at the farm with some of the mucilage (flesh) of the coffee cherry left intact as the bean dries.

This gives a little more sweetness and fruit flavour.


All the images and information about this coffee and its producers have been kindly shared by the importer, Silo, and edited by us, Sample Coffee (unless linked to or credited otherwise).

Resting beans inside the sealed bag helps develop peak flavours and acidity

Learn how long and why you should wait in our brewing window recommendations.

Try our brew recipes and videos

Our brewguide recipes are easy to follow and designed to bring the best out of our coffee.


To brew on espresso, we recommend using 20g of beans (dose) to get 60g of espresso out (yield), during 24-28 seconds.

g dose
g yield
View the how to brew espresso (single origin) guide.


To brew in infusion/fed brewers (V60, Chemex) use a ratio of 1:16.7 ratio of beans:water.

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


To brew in immersion brewers (plunger, AeroPress, Kalita, batch brewer) we recommend using a 1:14.3 ratio of beans:water

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


To brew as cold brew we recommend using a 1:12 ratio of beans:water

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


Alfonso Posada Ochoa


El Salvador


La Palma, Chalatenango


1400m above sea level






March 2015





Tasting notes

Low acidity, apple and raspberry juice

Roast style


Map showing location of El Salvador Caballeros


Pacamara varietal

A cross-breed between Pacas and Maragogype, developed in El Salvador in 1958

The location

Coffee from El Salvador

El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America, is colloquially referred to as the ‘Land of Volcanoes’. Renowned for producing exceptional coffees with great clarity and sweetness. The coffee industry first took off after their primary crop, indigo, declined with the invention of chemical dyes in the 19th Century.

The Quezaltepec region of El Salvador

The region is named after the indigenous civilisation that existed here pre-hispanic times. The Quetzalcotitán people are named after the god they worhsip, the feather covered serpent Quezalcoat.

Farm processes

Honey process

This technique leaves some flesh on the coffee cherry as it is washed and dried. This tends to give a slightly sweeter flavour, but can also reduce the quality and longevity of the coffee due to the fermentation of the sugars in the flesh.

Coffee delivery: coffee in resealable bag and farm information card

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