Oscar Bolaños
We find flavours of passionfruit, pineapple, sultana sweetness
We’re sharing something a little different with this coffee from Colombia – actually, a few different things (it’s the first honey-processed Tabi varietal in Australia, too!)
Let’s start with Tabi, the varietal: it’s the first time we’ve featured this hybrid, which was released in 2002 as past of Colombia’s ongoing fight against the coffee leaf rust disease. It was created by crossing the Typica, Bourbon and Timor Hybrid varietals.
The name comes from the Guambiano dialect, translating as ‘good.’
Secondly, you might have noticed this coffee is honey processed: also something unusual in our usual deliveries. Most of the coffee we share is washed process, where all the flesh of the coffee cherry is removed by a depulping machine. The coffee is then fermented, washed and dried.
Honey process is where the pulping machine only removes a percentage of the flesh. The coffee is then dried with some of the flesh remaining, which means the sugars in the flesh are then present in the coffee. This coffee’s page on the website has photos and more on honey process.
We tend to showcase washed coffees because we think it highlights the unique characteristics of each coffee, and has a cleaner cup profile, but when we tasted this coffee we loved it, and wanted to share it with you.
100% Tabi coffee beans, provided by Cofinet and roasted by us on Gadigal land / Sydney.
Country grade: Unknown ?
Bag: ABA Certified home compostable
Label: Recyclable
Valve (on bags larger than 250g): General waste
Coffee ordered online is shipped in a recyclable cardboard box
We recommend brewing this coffee 15–49 days post-roast. If pre-ground, brew as soon as possible. Our advice on storing coffee.
To brew on espresso, we recommend using 20g of beans (dose) to get 60g of espresso out (yield), during 24-28 seconds.
To brew in infusion/fed brewers (V60, Chemex) use a ratio of 1:16.7 ratio of beans:water.
To brew in immersion brewers (plunger, AeroPress, Kalita, batch brewer) we recommend using a 1:14.3 ratio of beans:water
To brew as cold brew we recommend using a 1:12 ratio of beans:water
Released in 2002 as part of Colombia’s efforts to combat leaf rust, it is a hybrid of bourbon, typica and timor.
Colombia is one of the largest coffee producers in the world and benefits greatly from having one of the most unique and complex set of micro-climates of all coffee producing nations.
Attractive growing conditions afforded by its altitude, proximity to the equator and the protection afforded by surrounding mountains, enabling a stable microclimate year round. Cauca is a region also known for its World Heritage listed national parks, wildlife, and life-giving water sources
This technique leaves some flesh on the coffee cherry as it is washed and dried. This tends to give a slightly sweeter flavour, but can also reduce the quality and longevity of the coffee due to the fermentation of the sugars in the flesh.
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