
Finca El Pino

Ever Castillo

In the municipality of San Jose del Alto, in the province of Jaen up in the north of Peru, we arrive to the farm of Ever Castillo, El Pino. Here he has been producing coffee for 12 years. His current ventures are to improve his drying stations, have more varieties and plant native trees for shade.

Body     Acidity

In the municipality of San Jose del Alto, in the province of Jaen up in the north of Peru is Ever Castillo’s farm, El Pino. He’s been producing coffee here for 12 years.

His parents are also coffee producers, and after a stint working on the coast he returned to the family farm and decided to start growing coffee. At first he helped his father but he was eventually able to buy a small piece of land to start his own coffee production.

Over time he reinvested to acquire land and increase the size of the farm to what it is today, and in improving the quality of his crop and drying stations. With the assistance of technicians from PECA (the Peru grower education arm of Caravela, our sourcing partner for this coffee) his crop has really gone from strength to strength. He’s now experimenting with new varietals, and is planting native trees to provide shade for the coffee crop.

Ever feels proud of what he has been able to achieve through coffee – he’s now known in the area for the quality of his crop.


All the images and information about this coffee and its producers have been kindly shared by the importer, Caravela, and edited by us, Sample Coffee (unless linked to or credited otherwise).

Resting beans inside the sealed bag helps develop peak flavours and acidity

Learn how long and why you should wait in our brewing window recommendations.

Try our brew recipes and videos

Our brewguide recipes are easy to follow and designed to bring the best out of our coffee.


To brew on espresso, we recommend using 20g of beans (dose) to get 60g of espresso out (yield), during 24-28 seconds.

g dose
g yield
View the how to brew espresso (single origin) guide.


To brew in infusion/fed brewers (V60, Chemex) use a ratio of 1:16.7 ratio of beans:water.

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


To brew in immersion brewers (plunger, AeroPress, Kalita, batch brewer) we recommend using a 1:14.3 ratio of beans:water

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


To brew as cold brew we recommend using a 1:12 ratio of beans:water

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


Ever Castillo






2074m above sea level




Washed With Extended Fermentation


November 2021



Tasting notes

Red apple, nougat, nashi pear

Roast style


Map showing location of Peru Finca El Pino Ever Castillo


Caturra varietal

Caturra is a natural mutation of Bourbon that was originally discovered in Brazil in 1937, considered to be the first naturally occurring mutation ever discovered.

The location

Coffee from Peru

Peru is well suited to coffee cultivation and production, given its high altitude and climate.

The Cajamarca region of Peru

The region is named after it’s capital city, Cajamarca. Comprises the northern area of Peru and the Peruvian Andes

Farm processes

Washed With Extended Fermentation process

Machines are used to remove the flesh from the coffee cherry before being fermented in water, washed again, and finally sun dried. This process tends to result in more distinct, cleaner flavours.

Coffee delivery: coffee in resealable bag and farm information card

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