
Kevin Torres

Hailing from the Cajamarca region, this lot is a great example of washed process coffees: clean and delicate. Raisin and shortbread sweetness hit up front, with a juicy plum acidity on the finish.

Body     Acidity

Cajamarca is one of Peru’s top exporters of high-scoring, organic-certified coffee—something green buyers know well. There are hardly any large estate farms (the opposite of Brazil, for example), and almost all producers are smallholders with 2-3 hectares of land. Kevin is one of them.

In El Mango, he grows a mix of varietals and this lot features specifically Catimor, Bourbon, and Castillo. These have grown at 1480 metres above sea level, which is not very high compared to the average in the area, but high enough to harvest healthy cherries packed with flavour.

A meticulous washed fermentation process gives what we appreciate the most in our daily cup of coffee: clarity of flavour, clean sweetness and balanced acidity. Plum and raisin sweetness abound, balanced with a more-ish shortbread texture.

“El Mango is located in La Laguna, district of San José del Alto, province of Jaén, Cajamarca (Peru). The farm is called like so because it has a mango tree that has existed for many years—it was planted by my parents—around which I played with my brothers. Also, I admit that mango is one of my favourite fruits.

The farm is our family’s livelihood, and it represents the hard work and passion for growing coffee that my parents instilled in me. I am very grateful for it.

My plans are to plant high-quality varieties that are resistant to pests and diseases, also improving some of the processes in the long term.”


Sourcing and ingredients

100% Catimor, Bourbon, and Castillo coffee beans, provided by Condesa Co.Lab and roasted by us on Gadigal land / Sydney.

Green coffee certified Organic.

Country grade: SHB (Peru) ?


Bag: ABA Certified home compostable
Label: Recyclable
Valve (on bags larger than 250g): General waste
Coffee ordered online is shipped in a recyclable cardboard box

Brewing this coffee

We recommend brewing this coffee 15–49 days post-roast. If pre-ground, brew as soon as possible. Our advice on storing coffee.


To brew on espresso, we recommend using 20g of beans (dose) to get 60g of espresso out (yield), during 24-28 seconds.

g dose
g yield
View the how to brew espresso (single origin) guide.


To brew in infusion/fed brewers (V60, Chemex) use a ratio of 1:16.7 ratio of beans:water.

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


To brew in immersion brewers (plunger, AeroPress, Kalita, batch brewer) we recommend using a 1:14.3 ratio of beans:water

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


To brew as cold brew we recommend using a 1:12 ratio of beans:water

g beans
g water
View full recipes and videos in our brewguides


Kevin Jhoel Torres


El Mango






1480m above sea level


Catimor, Bourbon, and Castillo




July 2023



Tasting notes

Plum, raisin, shortbread

Roast style



Bourbon varietal

A natural mutation of the Typica varietal, Bourbon is named after Reunion Island (then known as Il Bourbon) where the French cultivated the Typica plants which naturally mutated.

Castillo varietal

Castillo is named after the researcher Jamie Castillo, who helped develop the varietal in 2005 by Cenicafe, Colombia’s coffee research centre

Catimor varietal

A hybrid variety of the Caturra and the Timor Hybrid (resistant to coffee leaf rust due to its Robusta genetic roots).

The location

Coffee from Peru

Peru is well suited to coffee cultivation and production, given its high altitude and climate.

The Cajamarca region of Peru

The region is named after it’s capital city, Cajamarca. Comprises the northern area of Peru and the Peruvian Andes

Farm processes

Washed process

Machines are used to remove the flesh from the coffee cherry before being fermented in water, washed again, and finally sun dried. This process tends to result in more distinct, cleaner flavours.

Coffee delivery: coffee in resealable bag and farm information card

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